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IR Policy

(1)   Basic Policy for IR Activities

Under the corporate philosophy of “Creating excitement and peace of mind for the people of the world,” JVCKENWOOD shall promote IR activities for the purpose of maintaining and developing relations of trust with stakeholders including shareholders and investors. By accurately and plainly disclosing important information on JVCKENWOOD in a fair, timely and appropriate manner, we shall aim to improve management transparency and provide stakeholders with a better understanding of the Company so that they can evaluate it appropriately.

(2)   Fairness of Information Access

The Company has established the Regulations for Timely Disclosure as company rules regarding information provision for stakeholders. The Information Disclosure Council shall examine the content and means of information disclosure on matters decided or identified within the Company and provide accurate information to stakeholders in a timely manner.

(3)   IR Spokespersons

To ensure the accuracy of information and fairness of disclosure, JVCKENWOOD’s IR activities shall be undertaken in principle by IR spokespersons, including the President, Director in charge, and manager in charge of IR in the Corporate Strategy Department. In principle, executives and employees other than IR spokespersons shall not provide information by themselves on the Company to persons concerned with securities markets and the mass media. However, IR spokespersons may appoint other executives and employees as their deputies when necessary.

(4)   Quiet Period Policy

JVCKENWOOD shall observe a quiet period from the closing date of each quarter through to the announcement of financial results for the quarter in order to prevent the leak of financial results information and ensure the fairness of information disclosure. During the quiet period, the Company shall refrain from making comments and answering questions pertaining to its financial results. However, if any matter should emerge during the quiet period that falls under the timely disclosure standards, the Company shall disclose information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules and other applicable rules.

(5)   Definition of Disclosed Information

In conformity with the “Regulations for Timely Disclosure,” the Company shall appropriately disclose financial and non-financial information in accordance with the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other applicable laws and regulations, as well as the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Company shall also voluntarily provide information other than the disclosed information in accordance with laws and regulations.

(6)   Method of timely disclosure

As a general rule, the Company will make timely disclosure via Timely Disclosure network(TDnet) run by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. and then promptly notify the press and follow other disclosure procedures in the methods stipulated by laws and regulations. The disclosed information will be posted on the Company’s website, immediately following the disclosure.

(7) Investors Relations (IR) Activities

Based on the philosophy of "Creating excitement and peace of mind for the people of the world," JVCKENWOOD emphasizes dialogue with our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders from the perspective of sustainable growth and medium- to long-term improvement of corporate value. In addition to holding quarterly results and forecast briefings in which management directly explains the financial results, we continue to enhance communication by holding individual meetings and small meetings with domestic and international institutional investors, and business briefings.


Major investors relations (IR) activities for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, are as follows.



Number of Times


Results and forecast briefings for analysts and institutional investors


Hold results and forecast briefings for analysts and institutional investors along with the disclosure of quarterly financial results
(held online)


Business briefings for analysts and institutional investors


Hold briefings on businesses and other topics of interest to analysts and investors
(held online)

Individual interviews with analysts and institutional investors
Conduct individual interviews with analysts and institutional investors along with the disclosure of quarterly financial results
Disclosure of IR materials on website

IR materials on the JVCKENWOOD company website

・ Accounting report

・ Presentation documents for financial results

・ Q&A at the results and forecast briefings

・ IR news

・ Medium-term management plan

・ Presentation documents for business briefings

・ Audited consolidated financial reports

・ Integrated reports



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